Your First Visit

What to Expect

It is our desire to provide your orthodontic needs both thoroughly and efficiently. During your initial visit digital radiographs of your teeth and jaws will be taken. One of our doctors will also perform a brief examination on you or your child’s teeth and facial structures. The doctor will determine if treatment is necessary and if this is the appropriate time to begin treatment. If treatment is necessary, the doctor will recommend that you have Diagnostic Records taken.

The Diagnostic Records consist of photographs and a digital 3D scan of your teeth. These records will assist in a personalized treatment plan and aid in your insurance’s decision to approve the treatment. Your first visit will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Why choose HDO?

Board Certified Orthodontist

Dr. Jennifer N. Harville

Complimentary Consultation

Free orthodontic evaluation for your convienience.



Flexible Financing = Affordable Invisalign or Braces